Volume - 9, Issue - 2( April / May / June /

Title : Dreams: An Indian Perspective

Author's Name :Dr.T.Anantha Vijayah,

Author's Details :Assistant Professor of English, Gandhigram Rural Institute – Deemed University, Gandhigram – 624 302, Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu, India, tavijay6@gmail.com
Paper ID:RJOE-9201

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.5

Title : Dreams: A Comparative Study of Samuel Beckett's Endgame and Vijay Tendulkar's The Cyclist

Author's Name :1.Nidhi Thakur.....2.Prof. Arjun Kumar

Author's Details :1.Research Scholar, Department of English, Patna University, Patna....2.Research Supervisor & Head of the Department of English, Patna University, Patna.
Paper ID:RJOE-9202

DOI:http: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.10

Title : Freud psychoanalytic view of constant Reid sex to self-conscious in D. H Lawrence's The Lady Chatterley's Lover

Author's Name :S. Srinivetha

Author's Details :Assistant Professor, Department of English, MIET Arts and Science College, Trichy, India
Paper ID:RJOE-9203

DOI:http: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.16

Title : The Interstitial Spaces of Identity in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's The Mistress of Spices

Author's Name :Dr.Poornima.S.Unni

Author's Details :Guest Lecturer,Department of English, NSS College, Parakkulam
Paper ID:RJOE-9204

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.20

Title :Staging Shakespeare in Indian Cinema: The Art of Adaptation

Author's Name :1.L.Jyothi.
2.E.Rathna Kalyani

Author's Details :1.Associate Professor, Department of English, Babu Jagjivan Ram Govt. Degree College,Narayanguda, Hyderabad
2.Associate Professor, Department of English, Babu Jagjivan Ram Govt. Degree College,Narayanguda, Hyderabad.
Paper ID:RJOE-9205

DOI:http: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.20

Title :Cosmopolitan Approaches in the Two Short Stories of Jhumpa Lahiri

Author's Name :Prity Kumari Choudhary

Author's Details :Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities,BPMCE, Bihar
Paper ID:RJOE-9206

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.33

Title :Snatched Motherhood: Trauma of Mothers on Losing their Children in Christy Lefteri’s “The Beekeeper of Aleppo”

Author's Name :
1.Bernadette Monica.S

1.Author's Details :1.Ph.D. Research Scholar of English,Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies,Pallavaram, Chennai-1172.
2.Professor &Research Supervisor of English,Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies,Pallavaram, Chennai-117
**Paper ID:RJOE-9208**

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.44

Title :Suffering and Humiliation of Disparate Society in 'Karna’s Wife: The Outcast Queen'

Author's Name :
1.Thejhoasshree P

1.Author's Details :1.Research Scholar of English, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Chennai-117
Professor & Research Supervisor of English, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Chennai-117.
Paper ID:RJOE-9209

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.49

Title :English Verbal Communication Enhances Employability Skills

Author's Name :
1.Tambibabu Kagitala
2.Kakumanu Kalyan Kumar/p>

1.Author's Details :1.Asst. Professor,Bapatla Engineering College,Bapatla.
Asst.Professor,Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla
Paper ID:RJOE-9210

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.52

Title :Gender, Technoculture, and the Utopian Dream: Reading Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain’s Sultana’s Dream and Vandana Singh’s The Woman who Thought She was a Planet

Author's Name :
Simran Bhagat

1.Author's Details :1.Asst. Professor,Bapatla Engineering College,Bapatla.
Research Scholar,Dept. Of English,University Of Delhi
Paper ID:RJOE-9211

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.58

Title :Applying the Framework of Bloom’s Taxonomy and NEP 2020 To Evaluate the Course Objectives and Course Outcomes of a BA English Course

Author's Name :
1.Sai Priyadharshini S...2.Sai Archana M

1.Author's Details :1.MA Student, Department of English, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Vijayanagar Colony, Anantapur-Bangalore Road, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh - 515001
2.Teaching Assistant, Department of English, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Vijayanagar Colony, Anantapur-Bangalore Road, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh - 515001
Paper ID:RJOE-9212


Title :Multiplicity of Voices and Fascination with Ludicrous: A Heteroglossic and Carnivalesque Study of Dickens’ Hard Times

Author's Name :
1.Dr Chitwan...2.Sai Archana M...3.Dr Sumneet Kaur

1.Author's Details :1.Assistant Professor, Department of English, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar
2.Assistant Professor, Department of English, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar
3.Assistant Professor, Department of English, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar
Paper ID:RJOE-9213

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.70

Title :Supportive Strategies in Teaching Summary Writing to Secondary Level ESL/EFL Learners

Author's Name :
1.Mazhar Ali Shahid...2.Muhammad Suleman Hafiz...3. Zahoor Hussain...4. Abdelgawi Abdelsalam Mohmed Ibrahim

1.Author's Details :1.Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia Correspondence: Mazhar Ali Shahid, Department of Foreign Languages, Jazan University,Jazan, Saudi Arabia,Tel: +966508530527,E-mail: mazhershahed@yahoo.com
2.Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
3.Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
4.Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
Paper ID:RJOE-9214

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.111

Title :Problem Encountered by EFL University Students in Translation English Proverbs

Author's Name :
1.Abdelbadie Ahmed Ibrahim ...2.Yassir Elgailani Ahmed...3. Dr. Abdelrahman Mohammed Elhassan Hamid

1.Author's Details :1., Lecturer in English– Jazan University,abdelbadie1966@gmail.com
2.Lecturer in English – Jazan University abumazen700@gmail.com
3.Lecturer in English – Jazan University Abomhmoud1930@gmail.com

Paper ID:RJOE-9215

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.122

Title :Extravaganza (hilarious entertainment), a Farce, a Horseplay or a Serious Play – Synge’s The Playboy of the Western World: Ramifications in Contemporary India’s socio-cultural-political landscape

Author's Name :

Ph.d,Department of Foreign Languages,College of Arts & Humanities,Jazan University,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,E-mail: mschagla@yahoo.com

Paper ID:RJOE-9216

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.132

Title :Debora Baker’s The Last Englishmen: Love, War and the End of Empire: A Gandhian Approach

Author's Name :
1.Tehzeeb Abdur Rasheed
2.Dr. Atul Kumar Parmar

1.Node Assistant Professor of English (Adhoc),Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad...2.Head of Department of English, Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad

Paper ID:RJOE-9217

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.137

Title :Linguistic and Cognitive aspects of Translation and Interpretation Skills

Author's Name :
1.Shaymaa Mahdi Oleiwi
2.Wisam Abdul Mahdi Kadhim

1.University of Kerbala, Presidency University/ Information Technology Center, Shaymaa.mahdi@uokerbala.edu.iq, ...2.University of Kerbala, Presidency University/ Information Technology Center, Wisam.abdulmahdi@uokerbala.edu.iq

Paper ID:RJOE-9218

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.146

Title :The Transformation of Indolent Admirers in Kurunji : An Analysis of Kuruntogai

Author's Name :
2.Dr. R.k.Sangeetha

1.Research Scholar Department of English,Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies – 600117 ...2.Assistant Professor Department of English,Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies – 600117

Paper ID:RJOE-9219

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.156

Title :Cultural Schism and Discontent in Amy Tan’s The Joy Lucky Club

Author's Name :
1.Ms. Preethy C. N...2.Dr. R. Malathi

1.Research Scholar,Department of English, Nehru Arts and Science College,Thirumalayampalayam,Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu-641 105,preethynasc@nehrucolleges.com, Contact No: +91 8921349432....2.Research Guide, Associate Professor &Head of the Department,Department of English,Nehru Arts and Science College,Nehru Gardens, Thirumalayampalayam,Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu-641 105,drmalathirajendiran@gmail.com,Contact No: 9789725820

Paper ID:RJOE-9221

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.166

Title :Creativity Versus Indian Education System: A Critical Study on Chetan Bhagat's Book, Five Point Someone and its Film Version.

Author's Name :
Abhishek Ali,Nendra

P.O. -Bagichapur,P.S.-Harirampur,Dist -Dakshin Dinajpur, Pin No -733125,West Bengal, India

Paper ID:RJOE-9222

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.166

Title :Social and Rural Themes in the Poems of Dr. T.V. Reddy

Author's Name :
Dr. K. Rajani

Lecturer in English, SG Govt. Degree College, Piler

Paper ID:RJOE-9223

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.202

Title :Effective Communication Skills in Professional Life

Author's Name :
1.Moaz Omer Mohammed Omer
2.Fatahelrham Dafallah Abdelrhman Mohammed
3.Elnazeer Ali Rhama Ali

1.Lecturer in English
2.Lecturer in English
3.Lecturer in English


DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.215

Title :The Influence of ‘Five Point Someone’ on Contemporary Indian Literature, Education and Society

Author's Name :K. V. Sampath Pavan Kumar

Lecturer in English, Sri Hari Degree College, Andhra Pradesh, E-mail: pavansenglish@gmail.com


DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.219

Title :Sudha Murthy: A Versatile Writer

Author's Name :Thakur Asha Rani

HOD- English Dept. Badruka College


DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.224

Title :Human Rights and Its Relevance - An Ancient Indian Perspective

Author's Name :Dr. Arvind Kumar Gaur

(Principal, Ch. Motaram Meel Memorial (P.G.) College, 74 LNP, Teh. Padampur, Sri Ganganagar, akgaur1974@gmail.com)


DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.230

Title :Hearing the Difference: Theoretical and Practical Insights into Audio Script Usage in Language Testing for College Students

Author's Name :Shalini Chakranarayan

Assistant Professor, Jazan University, KSA


DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.235

Title :Kamala Das - My Story

Author's Name :Dr.Poonam Goutam

(Vice Principal, Ch. Mota Ram Meel Memorial (P.G.P.G.P.G.) College, Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan, poonam.gautam1975@gmail.com)


DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.245

Title :Human Rights and Its Relevance - An Ancient Indian Perspective

Author's Name :Dr. Arvind Kumar Gaur

, (Principal, Ch. Motaram Meel Memorial (P.G.) College, 74 LNP, Teh. Padampur, Sri Ganganagar, akgaur1974@gmail.com)


DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.252

Title :Comparative Analysis of the Evolution of Feminist Poetry on Anna Laetitia Barbauld’s The Rights of Women and Warsan Shire’s For Women Who Are Difficult to Love

Author's Name :Hameed Abdulameer Hameed Alkhafaji

English Language Department, Altoosi University, hameedh@altoosi.edu.iq


DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.259

Title :Patriarchal Terrorism in Black and Blue by Anna Quindlen

Author's Name :Dr. Richa Mehta,

Assistant Professor (English), A-22, Sadul Ganj, Bikaner 334001 Rajasthan (India), richamehta2007@gmail.com


DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.269

Title :Revisiting Narratives of Epidemic/pandemic: Analyzing Portrayal of Indian Society in Selected Literary Pieces

Author's Name :1.Rana Vaghela...2.Dr. Atulkumar Parmar,

1.Research Scholar, Department of English, Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad, Mo. 8140565815, Email: vaghelaranap@gmail.com
2.Head & Associate Professor, Department of English, Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad, Mo. 9898696677, Email: hodenglish@gujaratvidyapith.org

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.279


Author's Name :1.Mobi M. Das...2.Dr. Amita Dhawan

1.Ph.D. Scholar, CT University, Ludhiana. 2. Assistant Professor (English), CT University, Ludhiana

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.290

Title :Transformative Pedagogy: Fostering Innovative Teacher Identity for 21st-Century Learning

Author's Name :1.K.LakshmiPriya2.Dr.S.Meena Priyadarshini

1.Research Scholar, Mother Teresa Women's University, Kodaikanal, Assistant Professor,Shrimathi Devkunvar Nanalal Bhatt Vaishnav College,Chennai.
2. Assistant Professor, Mother Teresa Women's University, Kodaikanal.

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.307

Title :Social Political Alienation in The Mystic masseur The suffrage of Elvira and The Mimic men

Author's Name :T.V.N Swathi

Asst. Professor in English ( C ),IIIT Nuzvid,Nuzvid

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.313

Title :Glimpses of Historio- Political Perceptions in Amitav Ghosh’s ‘The Shadow Lines’

Author's Name :Dr Kanupriya

(Professor of English),Principal,(MDDM College, Muzaffarpur, Bihar)

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.330

Title :Reimagining Daughterhood: Feminist Resistance and Empowerment in Margaret Atwood’s “Lady Oracle” and Shashi Deshpande’s “The Darkness Holds No Fear”

Author's Name :K.Hemaladha

Assistant Professor in English, Christ College of Engineering and Technology, Puducherry.

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.339

Title :Voicing Dalit Identity in Surviving in My World Growing Up Dalit in Bengal

Author's Name :Dr.Prabuddh Ananda

Associate Professor, Department of English,Ramanujan College (University of Delhi),Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.348

Title :Navigating Cultural Boundaries: Themes of Xenophobia in Kureishi's Short story “My Son the Fanatic”

Author's Name :Dr.Jyoti Doley

Associate Professor, Department of English, School of Applied Sciences and Humanities,Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia,West Bengal 721657

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.358

Title :From Screen to Society: Representations of Poverty and Caste Discrimination in Lagaan, Banaras: A Mystic Love Story and Peepli Live

Author's Name :Dr.Meenakshi Dey,

Associate Professor, English,School of Applied Sciences & Humanities,Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia, West Bengal -721657

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.367

Title :The Idea of Education in From a Crooked Rib

Author's Name :Bhavya Bhardwaj

Independent Scholar,MA English, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, India

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.374

Title :Re-reading Greek Myths in O’Neill’s Desire under the Elms and Mourning Becomes Electra: A Psychoanalytical Study

Author's Name :Dr.Narugopal Mukherjee

Associate Professor of English,Bankura Christian College Bankura, West Bengal, India, PIN – 722101

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.388

Title :Echoes of Separation: Juxtaposing 'Pinjar' by Amrita Pritam and 'The Other Side of Silence' by Urvashi Butalia in Unveiling Partition's Palimpsest

Author's Name :Dr. Bhujendra Singh Rathod L.R

MA.,M.Phil.,Ph D, Assistant Professor of English,and HOD Department of Journalism and Mass Communication Government First Grade College, Yelahanka, Bengaluru-560064

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.388

Title :Timeless Verses: A Modern-Day Reading of Vidyapati

Author's Name :Aditi Mishra

M.A. (English Literature), University of Lucknow. Address: J 203 Garden Valley Apartment b/h Star Bazar, Pal Adajan, Surat. Gujrat. 395009.

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.409

Title :Role of Soft Skills in Present Job Market

Author's Name :P. Venkata Sudhakar,

Lecturer, Department of English, A.M.A.L College, Anakapalli, Andhra Pradesh – 531001.

DOI: 10.36993/RJOE.2024.9.2.409